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As we create, innovate and shape the future.
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Praxis Aerospace always interested in working with professionals and capable personnel/companies who share our passion for delivering quality outcomes for clients. If you share the same values as we do on our about us page we would welcome enquiries of this nature.

Praxis Aerospace is a dynamic place to work. We are a multiple disciplined team of Aerospace professionals with experience spanning from junior engineers who have recently graduated through to seasoned professionals who are a CPEng, RPEQ and Fellows with Engineers Australia.

Our staff have experience on both fixed wind and rotary wing platforms. Our military Aerospace experience includes supporting both Defence and Defence Industry. Our experience spans the capability lifecycle from early requirements definition through to acquisition and in-service support.

As we grow, we continue to build our team and experience both in Defence and Civil Aerospace and Space, acting as trusted independent advisors to our commercial and government clients.


As a high-performance organisation, we unashamedly work hard. We’re dedicated to empowering our people, to challenging convention and to pushing the boundaries in everything that we do.